Asclepias Landscape Blog
Promoting Native Plants to Encourage Wildlife Friendly Landscaping
A Plan for a Mini Meadow, Simplified
I have an area of my yard I call my mini meadow. It is two years old now and I love watching how it fills in. […]
Wildlife Friendly Garden Tips
Reduce or eliminate lawn. For the lawn you keep, add flowers such as clover, spring beauty and bluets, native sedges, and learn to tolerate native weeds. Mow […]
Why Use Native Plants in Your Yard
There’s been a lot of talk recently about using native plants for landscaping. But many people are left wondering “why?” Most of us grew up with yards […]
Sustainable Garden Video Tour
Every year I look forward to the Sustainable Garden Tour. Homeowners open up their yards for touring to see native plant landscaping, rain gardens, vegetable gardens, composting, […]